Thursday, July 10, 2008


Check out this formula:

Focused Intensity x (multiplied by) Time = Momentum

I must admit that I borrowed this concept from a message I heard by Dave Ramsey that he preached in the church pastored by Andy Stanley. It was a great lesson for me and I have thought about it alot today. It implies that if I remain focused on something intensely for an extended period of time, I will have momentum to achieve my goal. It reminds me of the Scripture written by Paul that "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Phillippians 3: 14)

What if I could remain intensely focused on Christ today? What if I could focus on what really matters today - this day - without wavering? What if I could perform all the duties of wife, mother, employee, church member, nursery director, friend - all while remaining intensely focused on Him for the entire time. Would this not give me momentum to accomplish all that needs to be done? After all, "I can do all things..." right??? What would my life be like if I sang His praises while I cooked, if I prayed while I worked, if I spoke the Word over the lives of my children while we played together? I believe it could do nothing less than give me momentum to achieve the best things - the things God has for me to accomplish.

I often get off track - believe it or not - and my focus is not where it should be. Focused intensity on the right things over time will give me the momentum I need to accomplish great things for the Kingdom through His strength and power.

Now, if I sound a little over zealous or hyper, as if I am trying to sound like I have it all together and am really good at multi-tasking, I am not. I am tired. I had to work hard today (like most of you) , have tons of housework to do tonight, and more to accomplish on the calendar the next two weeks than can probably be done.

All the more reason to need momentum...Lord, may we all remain focused on you tonight!

I love you to pieces!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Great post!

I "breath" prayed throughout the day Phil 3:8 and I think it certainly goes along with what you so eloquently wrote...

"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ"

Love the formula...great post!
