Sunday, March 1, 2009

Family celebrations and incentives...

We were so excited to be able to attend the annual Boy Scout Blue and Gold Banquet with the boys on Saturday evening. It was an opportunity to visit with other scouting families and celebrate the achievements of the scouts. Isaac and Jonah have worked very hard and have earned several beads, badges and belt loops. We couldn't be prouder of the young boys they are and are becoming. They give it their all and couldn't do it without their biggest fan - their awesome dad! Their pinewood derby cars are lookin' good and we are excited to see the end result in a couple of weeks. It was a great family night and Abby loved the fact that even SHE got to go to Boy Scouts this time! Fun stuff!

And, nothing gets my gizzard flappin' more than seeing my children reading! I am an avid reader and would love my children to 'catch the passion!' So, as part of the "Bell Family Big Book of Everything" I created a page entitled "Books I have read" - it is sort of a running counter of how many books each child reads with a goal they chose and an incentive they chose - with my help of course. The boys decided they would read 100 books this month (and homework or school books do not count.) Mommy has to approve the books and they have to write the title on their own personal tracking sheet. Every week, we will total up how they are doing in our 'Big Book.' We decided together that a a good reward for reading 100 age-appropriate books would be $15.00 - but I must admit, this was not without compromise because Jonah felt that $2,000.00 would be a fair prize, then they finally dropped it to $100.00 before finally settling on $15.00! And, they have been reading ALL evening! I LOVE IT! They have had so much fun and I have heard more giggling, laughing, reading to sister, sharing and fun than I have heard in a long time. Books are awesome!

1 comment:

Oh Dear said...

LOVE the reading idea! The picture is precious!!
