Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas musings #5...a growing family...

"1997 First Christmas - Michael and Melisa"

"2002 Michael, Melisa, Isaac and Jonah"

"2006 - The Bell Family - Mike, Melisa, Isaac, Jonah and Abby"

"The Bells 2008 - Isaac, Jonah, Abby, Michael, Melisa"

It always amazes me that God can take one person, join then with another...
1 + 1 = 1 (God's design for marriage)
...then take 3 incredible children from various parts of the world and bring them together to form a family. Only an awesome God could do such a thing and make it work so beautifully.
I have so much fun placing these ornaments on our tree and remembering how much God has
truly blessed me and my family!

1 comment:

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

God is so good! Your family is so very precious! And so perfectly woven together by His hands!
