Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I must admit...

I must admit that I LOVE Little League...I have enjoyed everything about it. It has been so good for us as a family. The boys have loved playing, have learned so much and have had a great time. Jonah is a great hitter, runner and team player. The other night, he hit a double, ran his brother home from 2nd and made a GREAT stop in the outfield! Isaac is fantastic as the catcher. He gets right in there, has learned the game well, and hits the ball like a pro! He has scored several runs and has a blast on the field. I had my first "baseball mom" experience in the concession stand. If anybody want to buy a hot dog, nachos or a drink - I'm your girl ;)

Isaac loves playing catcher...he is determined to catch a foul ball and get an out before the season is out!

Isaac is having so much fun playing baseball...he is a great sport!

Jonah is such a great outfielder...he gets to the ball before anyone else!

But, if you ask him his favorite thing to do, he will say, "Bat and run!"

It is hard to believe...they're learning to make their own way in the world! Go Cubs!

And, I must also add that the boys have the best support behind the fence any two little boys could ever hope for. Abby gets so excited when her brothers hit the ball...she yells for them and claps those little hands. And, the icing on the proverbial cake - an AWESOME DAD! We are so blessed to have a dad who encourages, praises, teaches...I see the boys improving every week and I know that it is a direct result of his influence. If a mistake is made, a ball is dropped or one might strike out, daddy is there to lift up spirits, find a teaching opportunity, find the good points and give a pat on the back...I love that about this man! And, regardless of the outcome of the game, we all leave arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand...laughing and talking about the game.

"Go, Boys, go!"

"Daddy, will you buy me some more po-corn?"
"Look alive boys!"

On another note, I have noticed that my daily planner has been increasingly full in the months of April and May...so much to do and so much to tell. However, although things may get hectic, we always do our best to make time for visits with family, even though they may be brief at times. We had a great time with this photo op in my front yard on Saturday afternoon with our adorable niece. The kids were really into it and enjoyed being outside on such a beautiful day. They all love each other very much and we are incredibly blessed to be part of this wonderful family. Beautiful Bell Children
I love these children so much!
We were able to take our little camper out for the first time this past weekend and it was so much fun! Although we didn't get to spend much time there due to previous obligations, and I have no pictures (I know...bad blogger), it was delightful and we are looking forward to going out again this weekend. And, yes...the weatherman is giving rain, rain and more rain. But, now, this camping family doesn't seem to mind . No more tents, wet air mattress, leaks and messes for us. Bring it on, baby. We've got shelter, movies, a microwave...we are ready! And, nothing like a good mudhole at the campground to get my kids excited! Making memories - I love it!

Finally, I must share an intimate moment I had with my daughter this week. As I was sweeping the kitchen floor, she said, "Mama, can my help you?" I said, "Sure." As I handed her a smaller broom and dustpan, she said, "Can my tell you something?"
"Yes, honey...what is it?" I asked.

Font sizeShe casually stated, "My growing up, mama...but it's ok."

My tears welled up...where does the time go? I am trying to cherish it all, wallow in the moments of time, seize every opportunity, look for God's movement in my life in the big and little things.

We have been preparing for months for Michael's second mission trip to Haiti...he leaves in 10 days. It makes the family times sweeter...we are spending lots of time talking with the children about Haiti, praying for the team members by name, discussing missions, packing, talking about God, loving others...trying to make a difference for the cause of Christ "as we are going..."


Oh Dear said...

Ok now Abby has me all torn up too! We have a compassion kid in Haiti if he meets our 7 year old, Hans Peter-hugs him for us!

Angie said...

Baseball is great! We're sort of hooked on it too. Randy coaches and I'm the dugout mom and score keeper. We've created a blog for our team. Check it out if you get a chance. Have you had a better week? I heard that you had another migraine. Psst...it's the camping. lol Just kidding, I'm not much on camping. Can you tell? I'd love to talk with you soon. I have something going on that I want to discuss. Mike can probably give you a heads up. We brought a visitor to church Sunday evening. See you soon. God bless you my friend. I love you to pieces.

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

I love the baseball pics - they look so handsome in their uniforms!

All 3 of them are getting so big!

We will keep Michael in our prayers as he heads to Haiti again (and of course prayers for you and the children as he travels)..
