Sunday, May 31, 2009

My life was made for...

Nothing lengthy tonight to share other than the thought that stood out so much from my corporate worship experience this morning...

..."my life was made for worship."

This little concept has challenged my mind today, will challenge my thoughts, behaviors and actions tomorrow and continue to challenge my ability to follow-through forever. I DO want to see others come to know Christ as Savior. It burns in my mind. It should be my spiritual act of worship to share it constantly in my thoughts, words, actions. Tonight, I pray for boldness to be ALL I am called to be in Christ tomorrow - everywhere He leads me.

..."my life was made for worship."

Will you join me?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A new clothes rack OR...

the newest change in our daily routine?????
The Bell Family Treadmill!
Only time will tell!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Beautiful words.

"You can go home."

"This is treatable."

"Your opthamology appointment went well."

"Your quality of life will get better."

"We're here for you."

"What can we do to help?

"We're praying."

"Can we help with the children?"

"Your not a bother because we are family."

"God is _____! [faithful, in control, with us, all-knowing, our healer.]

"We'll call tomorrow and check on you again."

"The medicine will help - just be patient."

"That's what we're here for - to help each other."

"What do you need?"

"Yes, I will."

"I/we love you."

Beautiful words.
Spoken by beautiful people in our lives this week. While our emotions have run the gamut, our faith has been stronger than ever. And, we are surrounded ... completely surrounded on all sides ... by the most beautiful people with the most beautiful words. Caring, loving, genuine words. Words that say more than they are intended to say. Words that speak through the difficulty to touch hearts that need reassurance, friendship, family and love. From our precious family, to our wonderful Christian friends, to our medical team. We are grateful for your words. The power to heal and to kill is in a word. And, you spoke healing to us. All we know to do is say thank you for walking this with us.

We are home now. Michael is resting. We are tired, but refreshed to have come through a challenge stronger together in the unity of a Christ-centered marriage. God knew the diagnosis...he led us to the right place and people. We have talked alot ... more beautiful words spoken between husband and wife as we testified with each other what God is doing amid the challenge in each of us - separately and together.

He is in total control.
Aren't those beautiful words?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just a fish in a bowl

Sometimes, I feel like a I'm just a fish in a bowl - self-imposed fishy I suppose. Picture this: I'm swimming around, minding my own business, trying to be real, not putting on 'airs' enjoying my little world. Sometimes, I get excited and swim really fast, play games in the water, even chase water bubbles, hide behind the feaux grass and rocks and 'jump' out just for the sheer joy of myself. Other times, I try to hide...get really still and quiet, hiding behind the fishbowl decorations to get some privacy, if you will. But, at times, I realize, as I go about my business, that others are watching me. Although I can get alone - or a semblence of so at times - I am keenly aware that my life is an open book for others to see. And, although I may try to put on a good front that all is well in the fish bowl, those who watch me swim around on a regular basis notice when I am not swimming at my usual pace. They notice when I am tired, worried, scared, stressed...or going on sheer adrenaline.

Well, this fish is self-admittedly relying on God to stay afloat. I need His wisdom to know which direction to swim. He is holding me up...I even think I am wearing His floaties on my fins. But, I embrace it.

And, this fish may strike out every now and then...but she's swinging for the fence. A baseball playing fish, you ask? You bet! I may not get it right every time, and sometimes I can't predict which way the balls coming, But, keep watching the fish bowl because God's going to get the glory!

Friday, May 15, 2009


So many of you have asked about an update on Michael and we wanted to share that he has been able to go back to work the last couple of days, but he is struggling daily with a continuing, incessant headache. He is scheduled for a follow-up/consult with neurosurgery on May 28th and we hope to get some answers or relief that day because we know he can not continue like this. However, his spirits are high, he remains encouraged and our faith in God to provide our needs is stronger than ever! He is faithful! And, we are leaning on his everlasting arms - they never tire of our burdens...he is still holding us up! In the meantime, we are doing everything we know to do as, relaxation, decrease in sodium to lower his blood pressure, drinking lots of water - and I am so proud he has had a 12 lb weight loss - he's the best! He said tonight, "I am so sick of feeling sick." And, I must add that it is heartbreaking for me to watch him feel bad - I feel so helpless as he hurts and I can't relieve it. We pray God provides an answer on or before the 28th for He is able and already knows! We are so grateful for the wonderful family and friends that have strategically placed around us -for without you...I just don't know. We are leaning on you, leaning on each other and leaning on His everlasting, strong arms!

On a lighter note - just a few other tidbits of information. I started a new job in rehabilitation management this week in a new facility with my current company. Wow - has that been exciting! It is definitely a good challenge for me...but, now, especially with Michael's struggles. But, we both felt at the time, before Michael became ill, that it was the right move for our family and are clinging to God's promises that He will continue to guide us and protect us. I am in transition, so I am only in my new building two days a week...but should be there full time come June 1st. I pray that God will be honored in all I do as I seek to lead a great team of rehab professionals in giving our best care to long-term care residents.

And, finally, I just wanted to share that when I came home today, I asked Abby..."And, how was your day, little girl?" to which she eagerly replied, "I DIDN'T PEE IN THE FLOOR!"


Sunday, May 10, 2009

No words to express...

Tonight, as I sit in my home on my sofa next to my husband with my children around my feet, I have no grand words to express my thoughts - just simple words of gratitude, a heart of thankfulness, an overwhelming sense of God's active presence in my life, and a strong desire to move forward with intentionality. You see, we have had a hard week. We are o.k. - but it has been hard getting to an "o.k." place.

Mike has been planning all week to be away today...travelling with a local mission team in Haiti. Tonight, although he is here with me, I can tell that his heart is in Haiti. He went last year and it changed his life...he was involved in seeing the Lord change the lives of others. But, this year, for reasons we may never understand, he is here.

You see, about 2 weeks ago, he began not feeling well - weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness. Then last Sunday, he became ill during Sunday morning worship with excessive fatigue, hyperhydrosis, hypertension, and tachycardia. From there, he ended up seeing the doctor on Monday morning, having labs run and looking into it all. By Tuesday, he was feeling worse, and they hospitalized him - only overnight - to give him IV fluids and run further tests, including CT, stress test and MRI. We found out on Thursday night that there was a possibility that he may have a rare brain condition called Arnold-Chiari Type I malformation in his brain. WOW! That was interesting. We read up on it and readied ourselves for what might be to come. We had planned to tell our folks about the possibility on Sunday face-to-face rather than telling them on the phone and be looking into a neuro consult in the coming weeks.

On Saturday, mid-morning, things changed! Mike got worse. For some reason we may never understand, his dizziness got significantly worse, his headache worsened, his weakness worsened, he wanted to sleep almost continuously, he "looked" weak/bad, and had some various other symptoms. By 5 p.m., I had made some calls, and we were on our way to the E.R. I spoke with a talented, trusted family member, and we determined together that even if the diagnosis was wrong, given his escalation of symptoms and his initial MRI reading, it wasn't worth the risk. We had to check it out further rather than wait and worry that the worst could occur. Once we arrived at the ER, the doctor checked him, became very concerned quickly about his "neuro signs" and had him flown out to UK Medical Center. What a whirlwind. [Insert here that now I had to call our families quickly on the cell phone and deliver the news of the possibility and the ramifications - not at all the way we had planned it.] Our pastor came and stayed with Mike at the local hospital until they sent him off so I could get a head start on the two hour drive. The doctor would not let him lay flat - wanted him to keep his head elevated to relieve pressure - just in case.

He beat me to UK - actually his helicopter flew right over my car on the interstate - my heart missed a few beats, I am sure. This is not how I had anticipated spending Mother's Day weekend - neither had he. We wanted to be together - healthy and whole. We wanted to be with our niece during her darling baby dedication. We wanted to visit our mothers in their homes and take them gifts of gratitude. I wanted to be with my children. I wanted my husband to be o.k.

My precious extended family met him at the E.R. in Lexington and told me later that they were worried about him - his appearance as well as his symptoms when he arrived. When I arrived, about 45 minutes or so after Mike had landed in the chopper, he did seem to perk up somewhat, but the pain in his head was incessant. Several doctors came in - great doctors - so compassionate - preparing us for what potentially was to come...possible shunt placement. However, finally, at 2 a.m., the final neurosurgeon came in and before he even walked in the room, he said loudly, "You do not have a Chiari!" He proceeded to explain to us that Mike's MRI was not typical, but that the clinical signs and MRI didn't line up. His cerebellum was anatomically lower than the typical person, however was on the low end of normal and was not causing his symptomology. PRAISE GOD!

We then turned our conversation to the ongoing symptoms he was having at the time and he agreed that his hypertension needed to be addressed. WE CAN DO THAT! The doctor also stressed the importance of STRESS, REST, and managing our life better in regards to taking care of ourselves! WE CAN DO THAT! Finally, the surgeon said, "And, if your symptoms continue, here is the name of the local surgeon who does the Chiari surgeries so you will want to consult with him just in case." HUH???? We were a little confused at the last statement...we thought we were cleared to go and get on the right track...address the high BP and get healthy without giving this problem another thought. Now, I guess it is always going to be in the back of my mind.

However, I am so thankful. What a wonderful Mother's Day to be home - no surgery for hubby - and a plan in place to get him better. And, as my favorite doc said, "This is a big wake up call!"

Michael, I love you so much. I am sorry that you have had such a hard time lately. I know you are such a hard worker - absolutely selfless - always giving to everyone else, probably to the detriment of yourself. Thank you for being mine. I know you are so sad about missing the Haiti trip. But, God knows your heart - it's as pure as gold! And, I am thankful to know you and be able to share my life with you.

Together, we thank the many who prayed, called, emailed, left messages, checked-in, travelled down, reassured us, encouraged us, offered to help with our children, and kept my children. To G.R., you went above and beyond for us. We will never forget and we love you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I am humbled...

I am humbled by the handful of incredible friendships I am blessed with. The last two weeks have afforded me delightful opportunities to relish my friendships, cherish the significances, remember the circumstances that drew us together and look forward to the future with anticipation. I realize that my life is on a journey - it doesn't remain stationary very long. God is taking us somewhere...and we have no idea what the final results will be on this earth
(thankfully we know the finale'!) But, I am grateful - tickled and grateful - to have precious friends to travel this life with, to share the ups and downs with, and go along in life with. It is a blessed way to live!

Thanks to those of you...the few of you...who call me...and encourage me to call you anytime, about anything.
Thank you for crying with me... and letting me cry with you.
Thank you for asking my opinion...and helping me decide what to do.
Thank you for praying for me...and asking me to pray for you.
Thank you for letting me be myself regardless...and being real with me.
Thank you for not judging me for my decisions...and encouraging me to make right ones.
Thank you for spending time with me...and allowing me and my family to spend time with you.

Thank you for your commitment to our friendship...I need it consistently...I appreciate it and don't take it for granted!

"Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them!"

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Making memories...

For those family members who read to keep up with the Bell family happenings, we wanted to updated you on Little League and inform you that Isaac received the Game Ball on Friday night! He had an awesome hit to center field and played an excellent defensive game behind the plate. We're so proud of you Isaac! Way to hustle!

Abby is so proud of her brothers!
Jonah had a great game as well, stopped the ball several times and hit a single!

We also had a great weekend camping...when we told the boys that daddy was going to take them hiking in the RAIN, their eyes got as big as tennis balls...a little boys dream come true! They were gone hiking for two hours on Saturday as they made it to the top of the mountain. The most exciting story they told when they returned was of the time daddy lost his footing and "hugged" a tree to get his balance again. They were so muddy when they got back, but they were the happiest I had seen them in a long time. They actually came running back to the campsite to tell me all about it. Abby and I went on a "hike" too. We went walking on the edge of the woods. We looked for things that God made and she was truly fascinated with the trees, flowers, moss, ferns, rocks, and she proceeded to tell the park ranger, "We've been hiking! We saw everything that God made! Do you wanna go see what He made too? My mommy will take you!" We had a blast in the camper. Fun times and memory-makin' definitely commenced...

Love grows best in little 'houses!'
Thanks to daddy for making this happen!

The biggest hit was riding scooters and the 4 x 4 Dora Jeep through the water holes for HOURS! They had a blast splashing each other, getting dirty, chasing each other, racing and being free-spirited.

Isaac found some kids to play catch with.

My favorite time was settling down at night, counting our blessings, turning the heat on in the camper, snuggling in and going to sleep...being so thankful for all God has blessed us with. We were all thankful for precious family time prior to
sending daddy to Haiti in 6 days on mission
