Friday, May 15, 2009


So many of you have asked about an update on Michael and we wanted to share that he has been able to go back to work the last couple of days, but he is struggling daily with a continuing, incessant headache. He is scheduled for a follow-up/consult with neurosurgery on May 28th and we hope to get some answers or relief that day because we know he can not continue like this. However, his spirits are high, he remains encouraged and our faith in God to provide our needs is stronger than ever! He is faithful! And, we are leaning on his everlasting arms - they never tire of our burdens...he is still holding us up! In the meantime, we are doing everything we know to do as, relaxation, decrease in sodium to lower his blood pressure, drinking lots of water - and I am so proud he has had a 12 lb weight loss - he's the best! He said tonight, "I am so sick of feeling sick." And, I must add that it is heartbreaking for me to watch him feel bad - I feel so helpless as he hurts and I can't relieve it. We pray God provides an answer on or before the 28th for He is able and already knows! We are so grateful for the wonderful family and friends that have strategically placed around us -for without you...I just don't know. We are leaning on you, leaning on each other and leaning on His everlasting, strong arms!

On a lighter note - just a few other tidbits of information. I started a new job in rehabilitation management this week in a new facility with my current company. Wow - has that been exciting! It is definitely a good challenge for me...but, now, especially with Michael's struggles. But, we both felt at the time, before Michael became ill, that it was the right move for our family and are clinging to God's promises that He will continue to guide us and protect us. I am in transition, so I am only in my new building two days a week...but should be there full time come June 1st. I pray that God will be honored in all I do as I seek to lead a great team of rehab professionals in giving our best care to long-term care residents.

And, finally, I just wanted to share that when I came home today, I asked Abby..."And, how was your day, little girl?" to which she eagerly replied, "I DIDN'T PEE IN THE FLOOR!"



Oh Dear said...

I will be anxious to hear how the doctor's visit went.
New job for you! WOW! and LOVE Abby's good news of the day-it comes in all sizes!

Angie said...

It was so good to see you today. We will continue to pray for Michael. Congratulations on your new job! And, tell Abby, "Way to go, it's good to keep it out of the floor." :)

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

Lifting you up in prayer (especially Michael). Please continue to keep us posted!

We love you all!
