Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Leaf

Since today is Thanksgiving, it is, in my mind, the perfect day to explain that I have recently "turned over a new leaf"! Life has changed alot for me...and boy, is my cup overflowing with thankfulness. My secular working role has changed significantly after
prayer and searching for God's will...and when He aligns His Word with your present all works for GOOD! It is amazing to me that my life could change so significantly so quickly, the quality of my days be so phenomenal, my strength being renewed like the eagles...and the joy...

oh, the joy...
the peace and JOY...
that floods my soul...knowing that I am in the center of God's will, had a great learning experience where I have been, can look back without regret, and move forward with delight is overwhelming. Not many people are blessed to be able to return to their previous working environment with renewed see it with brand new appreciate it more fully...

...but, by His grand design, I have returned. And, my co-workers, who have known me for years, frequently say...
"You have been all 'giggles' since you've been back..."


"You smile ALL the time..."

One of them even came in and said, "I feel like I am getting to know you for the first time!" We talked for awhile, and I finally realized what this person meant. My previous role took more from me than I had realized, and I lost a large part of myself and what I had hoped to represent because I had lost sight of my priorities with good intentions, trying to do the enormous job laid before me - which was impossible while trying to be a wife and mother too!

So, now my true self is able to shine through. And, I know that the Lord is pleased that I listened and obeyed... and
turned over the leaf!
Happy Thanksgiving, 2010!
(and yes, I am smiling and giggling!)

1 comment:

StephCarter said...

I am so happy for you Melisa. You did such a wonderful job when you were with us, but I understand where you are coming from. Family is a precious thing -- stressful work can change us and make us into people we don't desire to be. For you to have made your change and to know what you needed to do is wonderful. I know it was a hard decision, but it really sounds like it was the best and most blessed decision. Congratulations on find YOU! Congratulations on being happy!!! Enjoy that family and enjoy being you!!!! I love you girl!
