Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seasonal gift...

There is so much in my life that is yet to be shared - so much that I am often overwhelmed and have difficulty deciding what is blog-worthy. But, often I find that many of you share with me something that touched you that pehaps others were not as affected by...thereby, the hodge-podge of blogging material. Tonight is no exception...

At work, we have been celebrating National Rehab Week. I don't often refer to my career in my blog because although I love what I do and try to give 110% to it while I am there, it is only one small part of who I am. However, I have been an occupational therapist since 1996 and am pleased to have been employed the last (almost) six years in long-term care. I truly feel blessed to have been provided with this great opportunity close to my home to work with the elderly of my community. But, I also must admit that it is often an emotionally and physically challenging work environment. So, it is nice to take a week to celebrate your accomplishments with your colleagues. Our administrator was kind enough to take us all out for a great afternoon lunch yesterday. I had gifts for all of the team, however they also surprised me with a purely delightful thank you gift that I had to share with you...right down my alley. I love primitive decor and they gave me these delightful fall pumpkins from Demdaco. And - you just can't beat Candleberry Candles in the Honey Buttered Rolls scent, can you? Smell it? Do you have the smell-a-blog feature installed on your computer? I hope so...divine, huh?


Rachel said...

Trying to catch up with my bloggies! I am soooo tired of travelling but looking very forward to an upcoming trip =)

I loved your randomness post and those mini-pumpkins are adorable!

Talk to you soon!

Angie said...

Melisa, it is so good to hear your thoughts. I can identify with so many aspects of your life and it does my heart good to hear that someone as wonderful as you has the same thoughts and struggles as myself. Keep those thoughts coming. I couldn't comment on the previous blog, but that's the one I'm talking about. Love, Angie
