Monday, June 22, 2009

Real or not? Not.

It is no secret that I have embraced the techno world - welcomed it with open arms. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I say! And, I have. Being from the generation that remembers the first computer delivered to my elementary school, this may seem hard to believe. I didn't grow up with computers in my home, took a "word processor" to college and bought my first official computer when I married 12 years ago. But, now I have a blog, facebook account, Blackberry and I 'tweet' from time to time. I do make an honest attempt to control it, however, not letting it control my life - but using it as an asset in my life. I can't imagine working in my career without a computer in front of me all day long and the first thing I grab in the morning on my way out the door and on my way is my Blackberry phone so I can call my children and pray for them or tell them something good to make their day better. My husband and I both admit that email has become our primary mode of communication in place of the home telephone. We pay bills online, shop online, get directions online, plan vacations online, book travel/schedule events online, order tickets online.

And, it fascinates me that my 7 year old boys have been familiar with computers since they were infants - and could move a mouse better than me at the age of 3! They say terms on a regular basis that I didn't know until my late teens or later - 'Log on,' 'Log off' 'Re-boot,' 'drop-down box' and much more. They truly are living in the age of generation saw it ushered in...they are living it and will never know what it is like to live without it, which causes me to wonder all too much of the world that my children experience will be real? How much of it will be contrived through the internet, social networking sites, blogs...

I am completely aware that what you read and what you see on my blog site is only what I permit you to see...only a glimpse into the life I want you to see. Is it complete reality?? Is it complete?? Is it real??...yes, I pray so! I attempt to give my readers a real glimpse into the life God has given us to live...but, you must be keenly, sharply aware when reading that you can't (and won't) know it all. Despite our openness in sharing in the blog world, we are actually very private people. We love our lives, love our friends, love our families, love our church. But, we also are confident that some things belong in family - and should stay there! It makes us who we are and that is where they stay!

This is where I become concerned for others in our world. Often, as I do share myself on social networking sites, I read what others share and sometimes it makes me sad. I so wish I could remind them that others are reading, reviewing and analyzing their words, inflections, and inside jokes. They are looking at their pictures, sharing them with others and making their own interpretations. Why do we so easily fall back into the ways, the language, distractions, the filth of the world? We must be peculiar - different - real Christ followers - all the time. Every word - every picture -should be looked at - will this edify, witness, reach out, share Christ? Could this be misconstrued against the cause of Christ?

I speak not to condemn, but to remind myself - we are here, in this world, for a purpose.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord!"


Oh Dear said...

I have that very verse hanging by my bed as a reminder when I get up. I am sad to see what some folks post forgetting that not all of their "friends" want to see it.

Angie said...

Amen! Romans 12:2 ... do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
