Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Morning...opening gifts...

Last year, we started letting the children open their gifts at home on Christmas Eve morning to allow them to have more time to open gifts and let us play with them at home before we begin doing alot of local travelling to visit with family in the afternoon and on Christmas Day. Abigail had a very difficult time sleeping last night (which is not unusual these days), so we had to wait until almost 3:00 a.m. to get things ready! One wonderful blessing in not having children who believe in Santa is that they know and appreciate that Mommy and Daddy provide Christmas for them and we get tons and tons of hugs, kisses and thank you's...genuine gratitude...which we just love!

...2008 3:00 a.m. while the children are all nestled snug in their beds...FINALLY...

...and by 3:30 a.m., everything is under the tree and ready!

This is Isaac and Jonah's side.

Abby's, of course, you can tell by all the pink, huh?

HMMM?? Wonder what this surprise is behind the tree? I'll never tell...oh, well...maybe I will because if you know me well, I can never keep a good Christmas present secret very long...

It's a Nintendo Wii...a total surprise...Isaac said about a week ago, "Mommy, I wish we had thought to ask for a Wii for Christmas, but I guess it's too late now." (Little did he know we had already gotten them one ;)

We also added this Mario Brothers at the Olympics Game as a special surprise!

Abigail fell in love with her My Little Pony that dances, sings and plays games, as well as her new doll, doll clothes and Graco Stroller. We had to change it's clothes all morning.

Her travel AquaDoodle was also a huge hit as well as her Disney Princess Barbie Dolls and dress up clothes!
...and now the unveiling of the secret gift...drumroll please...
sheer delight!
(check out Jonah kissing the box and Isaac digging through the controllers and the games as fast as he can in the back as he squeals!)


What fun times...we had a great morning!

The boys and Abby are still going strong...Mommy and Daddy are exhausted!
We look forward to spending the next two days with our wonderful families celebrating the birth of Christ as we visit, open gifts, eat and enjoy one another!
Merry Christmas, everyone!


Rachel said...

Merry Christmas guys!

Robyn said...

What great pics!! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!
