Friday, December 5, 2008


We are having exciting pre-Christmas times at the Bell home this week. Actually, it has been a hectic week, with Mike having to work at his school late a couple of nights to assist with basketball tournaments, me having a hair appointment, preparing for Melisa's Christmas party at work, church activities...needless to say - it has been nothing less than hustle and bustle around here. But, we have been enjoying the Christmas lights in our community and talking about the Biblical account of the birth of Christ as we are coming and going.

Abigail and mommy had an especially fun time on Wednesday night. While the boys and Mike were gone to church play practice, we (the girls) had dinner at a local restaurant and then enjoyed the local dance studios version of "The Nutcracker." It was wonderful to see several of the local girls from our church who have paticipated every year continue to grow and mature into young women who have danced their way into our hearts. Abby LOVED the
"bow-a-linas" [aka...ballerinas]...and when we got in the parking lot to leave she said, "Mom, I bwing my bow-a-lina dwess next time and dance for you, ok?" Now, is that not the most precious thing? Although her little 3 year old mind could only stay focused for about 1/2 of the perfomance (and the other half she about wore me about!), she has talked and talked about it and has danced around the living room all night tonight being a bow-a-lina.

We were so thankful that Emily, a close friend and awesome dancer, took Abby backstage and let her see the "real" ballerina's up close and personal. Here are a couple of pictures from a very special night...

We also must shout out a Happy Birthday to M & M who turned 10 this week - cool skating party girls! We just love you to pieces! Well, we're off to bed tonight for another busy day of fun tomorrow - we are going with our church youth group in the morning to the nursing home where mommy works to visit, sing Christmas carols, make Christmas crafts and have a great time...then off to final Christmas play rehearsal at church for the boys...

Now...the Bell family challenge...find someone on Saturday that you normally wouldn't have the opportunity to interact with and find a way to bring a Christmas blessing to them one-on-one! Fun Stuff - The Christian Life is Fun! Need some ideas???
-Find an elderly person in your church/community and take them a card/fruit basket.
-Visit a nursing home and take homemade cards from your children.
-Call a friend who is discouraged, ill or has recently experienced a family death;
-Take your children shopping and fill a box of groceries for a needy family;
-Visit a sick friend in the hospital and take them a Homemade Christmas "something;"
-Be creative and be a blessing...takes a little effort on our part - but God ALWAYS blesses it!

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