Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Ideas to Share...

Recently, in another online format, I was tagged to list 25 random things about myself. It seems like an easy enough task, but after I was finished, I realized that most of the things I listed were things that most people who know me closely already knew. So, I thought tonight, I would revisit this thought...attempt 25 random things about myself that I may not share as often with those around, this may take some extra thought.

1.) I can't understand how to play rook. And, I have yet to be able to find anyone who can teach me.
2.) My favorite colors are brown and black.
3.) I not only love to read...I often will lay down with a book (and always a pen) in my hands and not even open it, just lay with it to fall asleep.
4.) We turned off our cable t.v. service for almost two years recently in an attempt to focus more on what direction God was telling us to go in our lives...we got our answers...amazing! Sort of a t.v. fast, I guess.
5.) I love to fly and would fly anywhere at anytime.
6.) I got married on my birthday...April 5th.
7.) I have a habit of saying to Michael frequently, "...if anything ever happens to me, make sure you do this..." or "...if anything happens to me, I just wanted you to know where I put that..." or "...why I did that..." or "...what I would prefer that you do in this situation..."
8.) I love to be early for appointments/scheduled events and am easily frustrated/impatient with those who are chronically late...just keeping it real!
9.) I think that sometimes those closest to me forget that I need encouragement too...I realize that one of my spiritual gifts is giving encouragement, but when I have strong desires to pursue God's calls in my life, I am drawn to those who believe that I, too, can do all things through Christ who gives me strength when He calls me.
10.) I do not like flowers. I enjoy other people's flowers, and I get a kick out of flower gardens with the best of them. But, my dear husband learned years ago not to buy me doesn't speak my love language! And, I never have any in my yard...
11.) I am not your typical woman - I have very few pairs of shoes and only one purse - when it tears up - I'll buy another.
12.) I have glasses for distance vision...don't like them though.
13.) I love trimming my children's fingernails and I love going to the grocery store...weird, huh?
14.) I have insomnia...I don't sleep much at night...but can nap anytime during the day.
15.) I use blankets all year long when sitting on the couch - even in the summer.
16.) I am not afraid to drive in the snow...I get so tickled when the girls at work ask me if "...why are you hear early? Did your husband bring you?"
17.) I secretly want to be a great seamtress...can't sew a lick but own a sewing machine...tried this year to crochet real hard, but couldn't make the ends straight.
18.) I have already made my 2009 Christmas list and have it in my planner so I can start crossing off those I buy early.
19.) I was engaged to Michael for 3 months prior to our wedding day (and we dated 9 months before that.)
20.) I am a huge Andy Griffith it every time I see it on and have tons of episodes on DVD.
21.) I rarely watch home video's - they put me in mind of the old MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) commercials that would show a person who had been killed in a drunk driving accident, in a home video, who was marching in the band, playing in the yard or blowing out birthday candles...I cried everytime I saw those commercials and I cry every time I watch home videos...they grow up to fast.
22.) I lived in California for a summer in college to do summer missions. For 12 weeks, I moved every week to a different area and led Vacation Bible School in 12 different communities. My partner was from Houston, Texas.
23.) I never ate a salad until I was 22 years I love salads (no tomatoes of course) with ranch dressing.
24.) I am completely comfortable being by myself...I love a quiet house...when everyone is gone, I turn everything off and let the silence deafen's great.
25.) I always wanted dolls when I was little, but I didn't play with them much. I would have rather been playing basketball, reading or sleeping in.

and...yes...there's much more to me than is on the surface.


Angie said...

I'll teach you to play Rook. Although I'm not that good. You love to fly? I dont' know why, but that surprised me. Married on your birthday? (Are you crazy- that's less presents for you!) You are very good at encouraging others, yet I understand the need. Good for you for sharing that with us. Your philosophy on a purse cracks me up! Driving in bad go girl! Randy loves Andy Griffith too! You lived in California for 12 weeks-Wow!!! You are so interesting. Love your blog and I love you!

Oh Dear said...

This was so fun to read! I have a kid I want to send you for the nailcutting. It is the nails on the chalkboard effect for him and very soon, I will not be able to hold him down to do it. Maybe you could drive through the snow to get to us with your nailclippers!
