Monday, February 9, 2009

Family Time...God's Time

I want to take time to thank my ole' college buddy...(not old as in age, of course!)...that I have recently come back in contact with through Facebook for this one...I am always looking for new ideas to teach my children Biblical concepts, stories, values. And, recently, she had a great post describing how she made a timeline on the wall with her children that helped them keep their Bible stories in sequence and in their hearts as they learned them. I loved the concept...however realized quickly that I didn't have room in my small home for long pieces of paper to make the timelines with. So, I've thought and thought and decided to go to a school supply store and purchase an old-time flip chart instead to conserve space. And, it has been great! My kids have been so excited to be involved in the process of interacting with the Scriptures in a new way...not just being told, but being able to put them back on paper and being able to go back and look at it and remember...We have added several types of pages, including...
-Scripture memory pages (we are re-learning Psalm 23)...
-Chore charts...
-Bible story pages...
-The Bell Family Mission Statement page
(with a working page for drawing how we can continue improving it)...
-Reading goal achievement page (each child has set their own goal for reading books and once achieved will receive the reward they have chosen - with our assistance of course!)...
-Things we want to talk to God about (i.e. prayer requests)...
-Books of the Bible...
and much, much more.
All the kids love to look at the "Big Bell Family NoteBook" and it is evolving into quite the conversation piece in our home...we even have plans to use it for family meetings, problem solving, planning, and lots more.

And, for those of you who think this is a little warped or over the top...just remember...I already have my 2009 Christmas list made! I love lists!

Having fun with the Big Bell family Notebook...
Trusting God...Melisa


Oh Dear said...

YEAH!!!!!!!! I LOVE it and am so blessed by your giving it a try! Our son just learned the 23rd Psalm for AWANA. I don't know if you have a club at your church (might get your fantastic children's minister to look into it) but we have covered a lot of ground with that club! He has exceeded my scripture memory I bet and learns the verses so much faster than I do.
When teaching our son the books of the Bible-we used that same cheap cash register paper and just put the first letter of each book as a hint until he did not need the list at all.
Grow your little disciples!!

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

What a great idea...and great fun too!

Miss you guys

Love ya lots too
