Thursday, February 12, 2009

Through the vicissitudes...

From Merriam-Websters Online dictionary, the definition of
is a difficulty or hardship attendant on a way of life, a career, or a course of action and usually beyond one's control.
While reading The Handwriting on the Wall: Secrets from the Prophecies of Daniel by David Jeremiah, as recommended by a church mentor and friend, I have come across many new ways of looking at things, but I have come to absolutely just love this reading this book.
And, if you need to, you can go here and hear this word pronounced - try saying that word 5 times fast!

The significance of this word became reality to me today in a life circumsance I am facing currently. By studying the life of Daniel, I have come to more fully appreciate the consistently-consistent consistency in his life (pardon the redundancy!) But, it has spoken volumes to me. So many times, I am left wondering, "How should I react to this situation," or "What should my response be in this challenge?" But, in reading today and studying the life of Daniel, I learned that the most important thing I can do is continue to be consistent.
To quote David Jeremiah:
"The exciting thing about Daniel is that he didn't change when the pressure is on. I believe that is one of the greatest characterisitics of godliness in people's lives; they can move through the vicissitudes of life, [did you see the word?] untouched by the circumstances, because of the consistency of their example and the godliness of their walk."
(The Handwriting on the Wall: Secrets From the Prophecies of Daniel by David Jeremiah. Word Publishing: Dallas, p. 117. )
In my own life experience, I have determined that people who are consistent day-in and day-out are needles in life's haystack, M&M's in the Chocolate Turtle Chex Mix, my car keys in a house full of various and sundry things when all I need is my car keys - when I find them they are valuable! They are hard to find, but when you do, add a sharpness, flavor and fulfill a primary need in life!

I am working toward a Daniel mentality...


Angie said...

Great post. Fitting for Randy and me as well.

Oh Dear said...

I am going to be thinking on this one! Thanks!
