Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Little League is in full swing...Go Cubs!

The boys decided that they didn't want to play basketball in the local Christian school league this year. Although they had a great time doing it, after two years, they collectively decided that they wanted to try something new - baseball. So, daddy signed them up and they had their first practice last night. They had a great time catching ground balls, running bases and learning other basics. The next practice on Wednesday afternoon will include batting practice. To never have played on an organized baseball team before, Michael said the boys played great and hung right in their with the rest of the team. We are excited for them and can't wait to cheer them on this season.
When I asked Jonah what his favorite part of his first practice was, he said, "running!"

Good throwing arm, Jon!

Jonah worked hard to catch those grounders.

Isaac shows great technique - good arm, Isaac!

Isaac broke that new glove in fast!

Isaac is as fast as lightening! Run, baby, run!

Go Cubs!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Far better!

- E. Lutzer
I have been on a journey with the Lord the last few weeks - maybe months - in discovery, processing, learning, and stretching myself. It has led to a lot of lively marital discussions, often to discover that Mike, too, had been led - might we say - convicted, about the same areas that I was feeling the Holy Spirit lead me in as well. And, in our marital experience, we have always been able to discern His direction and leading very clearly and simply by realizing that God had brought us to the "same place at the same time." It is never coincidence that we have been studying the same things in our private time with the Lord, or that we felt the "umption" (is that a word??) of the Spirit in the same direction. I believe it is the fruit of two lives walking together in the oneness of a marriage with Christ at the center...what an incredible experience to sit across the table from your spouse, share your heart, expressing what you feel the Lord is doing in your life and have it all confirmed by what God is doing in his life as well. It just doesn't get any better than that!

It has happened so many times before. In the areas of career decisions, job changes, family building, life choices, missions experiences, choosing to adopt, accepting the call to ministry, and many, many other things, He has brought us to a decision-making point, we obeyed, and He was faithful.

Now, we are at another crossroads. But, not necessarily one the world will understand - and they shouldn't necessarily, at all. It is not a decision in which we will 1) decide to purchase something; 2) choose to move locations; 3) accept a call to complete a missions experience. All of these things are good. And, we may or may not do one or more of these things. But, this time it is different-much different. You see, we are dealing with a heart issue...God is continually changing our hearts. And, boy, I am sure glad that He doesn't leave us where we were.

We have been broken. We have been brought down by a single encounter - where we needed to be all along. God has shown us some things that we were missing in our Christian experience. We have decided that although we have accepted Christ and attempt to live our lives as such, that we are failing miserably. Is Jesus pleased when He sees us live when there are those who are dying - right in our own neighborhoods? Is He pleased when we act like it is all we can do to get to Sunday School by 9:30 a.m. to "fellowship" and eat breakfast with other believers in the comfort of our own church building when children under our direct church influence don't have anything to eat for breakfast? Is He satisified with my worship on Sunday mornings when we haven't spent time on Saturday night preparing our hearts and minds - we've been busy or preoccupied? When we haven't spent Saturday reaching out to those who are lost, to those who are dirty, sick, tired and worn? Are we closing our eyes to it? Are we so focused on our pleasures, our own "fellowship," our own appearances, our own schedules and desires that we forget those living in the local trailer courts, the children with no homes/mothers/fathers, the ones with no breakfast to eat? Do we seek them out when they come in our buildings? Do we look for them in the community? Or do we turn the other way - literally? I admit that my eyes have often been closed alot more than they should have been...I have forgotten to look around me. Now, they have been opened for me.

It is time for us to turn off the television, turn off the Blackberry, save our 'eating out money' to buy groceries for a hungry family, turn off the news and get our eyes of the $$$$ that the world is telling us is the most important thing! Get real with people, reach out to the hurting, encourage the discouraged, get over ourselves, feed the hungry , share our testimony with someone who needs Jesus, take time to think as individuals and families about a specific way to reach out...then do it. Get uncomfortable. Get tired. Stretch yourself. Then, I believe, we will transform our lives in Christ - maybe even transform the church!

– E. Lutzer

Saturday, March 28, 2009

She's got it.

Abby has the flu - full blown, out-right, ugly, no-fun flu. She has had a fever as high as 105 degrees and lots of other 'gory' symptoms I will spare you the details of. It is hard to see your children going through difficult times and not being able to completely rescue them from it. But, for the most part, our children are pretty healthy and for this we are thankful and blessed. Abby and I have spent much time in the "tepid water tub" the last couple of days and and I must admit this is not one of Abby's favorite activities. She and I have discussed at length (as much as you can between a mother and an inquisitive 3 year old) that this helps wash the 'sickies' away. But, for some reason, she doesn't seem to like sitting in a bath of lukewarm water in the middle of night until her fever comes down - not exactly her idea of a fun time, I guess. She has been a brave little girl though. And, we hope that she starts feeling much better real soon. In addition, we are praying that the 'sickies' stay far, far away from the rest of us as well!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I had a conversation today...

I had some interesting conversations with friends today ... I tried mostly to listen and interject when God gave words and wisdom. The topic just happened to be about raising our various aged children, pop culture, media, teens, a new popular controversial book series', peer pressure, the 'everybody's-doing-it mentality', and so on. I was so broken hearted as I heard parents, friends and acquaintances speak so boldly that they "...hate not to let my child wear it...'' or "...feel like a bad parent if I don't let them read it..." because ALL the other little girls/boys are wearing it or reading it.

I am truly of the persuasion that the Christian home needs a MAKEOVER, PEOPLE! We are not of the world...only in it for a little while. Since when do we CONFORM??? We are supposed to be different -- anybody have the desire to be peculiar? We definitely do! And, you know what we have figured out? Hardly anyone will understand the decisions you make as a Christian family. And, the world shouldn't completely understand it - sometimes those who call themselves Christians don't either. The Christian family should look alot different than other families - they should look at us...the love, the peace, the joy, the service, the faithfulness, the ministry...and want what we have.

I want an Extreme Christian Home Makeover...I want people to walk in my home and scream..."WOWEEE - now this is some kind of different!" I want it to be a place that my kids want to be in... a peaceful, fun, happy place where conversation is not unusual, where laughter is commonplace, where family dinners - even when simple - are around the table and begun with prayer, where Jesus Christ is welcome, and where we march to a different beat than the world.

We don't want the media to have a foothold in our home. We are fighting that influence...not just ignoring it, but meeting it head on, talking about it, dealing with it, teaching our children about it, and above all, looking to God when there is nothing left to say but,
"Welcome home, Bell Family, Welcome home!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

In my window...

One of my little quirks is that I love - and my husband loathes - the fact that when we travel at night, I enjoy looking in peoples windows when we drive by. I get so excited when I see the lights on in a home. I like to see people walking around, pictures on the wall, someone cooking in the kitchen; for some odd reason - it thrills me! I get a kick out of seeing people in their evening attire, with the television on, oblivious to onlookers, having conversations...the whole nine yards. And, yes, you may wonder how I see all this in a 5 second drive-by?? Years of practice and talent, I suppose;) I am so good at it that Mike says I can tell what they are cooking for supper just by driving by.

Anyway, tonight, I thought I would give you a drive-by glimpse of what is going on our home - a view through the window, I suppose.

We thoroughly enjoyed lunch out with friends after church today. The house is clean and we had a great afternoon resting together after church today. We just finished supper about 15 minutes ago - BBQ meatballs, corn on the cob and rolls.

The kids are playing school - Abby is the teacher and the boys are giving her a hard way to go - she is trying so hard to teach them their animals and they are very 'disobedient' students. She keeps telling them, "It's time for school, students!"

Mike is at the table with his laptop, a mountain of seminary books and various n' sundry Bible versions, working away on his homework. (I am so proud of him.)

I, after finishing this, am headed to the laundry...again. And, to dishes...again.
No place I would rather be! The t.v. is off, the family is all healthy and happy. We are wandering around in our evening attire (p.j's, comfy clothes, pony-tails), doing our best to be family...probably not the way anybody else does it, but just the way we like it.

If you drive by...
honk and throw your hand up!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pack 802 Pinewood Derby Races

We had a great family night last Saturday night as Isaac and Jonah (and daddy) were able to race their Pinewood Derby cars they had worked so hard to build. They had a great showing and made us all very proud. The boys were involved in every aspect of building the cars, painting them, choosing their design, painting them and then cheering them on! Since their favorite characters at the present time are Mario Brother's characters, Isaac chose to decorate his after the Luigi character (i.e. green with an "L" on top) and Jonah chose to decorate his like the Toad character (i.e. white with red polka dots).
Everything was decorated just like big race day!

The boys' cars were side-by-side on the display table...Jonah's on the left, Isaac's on the right.

They were very excited - they have loved being active in the Boy Scouts.

Abby had a great time cheering for her brothers! She's a proud sis!
Thanks to granny and papaw for coming and yelling for us!
...standing in front of our cars!
Look real close...Jonah's car is getting ready to race.
Next, Isaac's car is up!
Although we weren't in the top three, Isaac and Jonah made an excellent showing and the boys had a great time with their fellow scout friends! In the car on the way home, they started planning for next year, so I would say that this one was a hit! They received their ribbon and patch for participating, too!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What I know tonight...

-I adore my husband and my kids are awesome.
-I am doing my best.
-When my circumstances change, God doesn't.
-I can trust God fully with every aspect of my life.
-His word is completely true.
-Good Christian friends are precious gifts.
-I am tremendously blessed beyond anything I deserve.
-I know that there is much more that I don't know than what I do!
-God is faithful and keeps His promises.
-He has placed me where I am - there are no coincidences.
-My dependence on God far surpasses any independence I may portray to others falsely to have.
-Peace that passes my understanding is definitely a fruit of the Spirit-filled life! I am thankful for peace.

Good night!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tonight...sweet family time!

We just finished supper (baked ham, dressing, mac-n-cheese) and have been having a great relaxing evening at home. The kids have been so sweet tonight and we thought we share some of our precious moments with you. Hope you enjoy!
Abigail absolutely LOVES to "hep' you watch the ditches." Tonight, while we were washing a pan, she said, "Gross - double gross!" Where do they learn these things?

Isaac is spending quite a bit of his leisure time drawing...of course his favorite subjects are Mario Brother's. He loves to draw them and then take them to his art teacher the next day for feedback. Right now, he is enjoying looking at another picture and drawing it. Next, we are going to be encouraging him to create on his own!
Jonah has been so relaxed all evening...he's just been chill'axin! He wanted to watch a movie and mommy went in to hang out with him awhile and snuggle and found him like this! Too adorable!

We love slow, relaxing evenings where we can cook supper together as a family, enjoy some of our favorite hobbies, prop our feet up on the ottoman and rest!

Monday, March 9, 2009


...there's alot happening in the Bell household - more than I could probably share in a paragraph or two. But, I wanted to sort of give a brief update. For starters, lately we ...

1. are getting eager for warmer weather so we can try out our new little camper;
2. are hoping we don't get the stomach or other flu;
3. are painting pine derby cars for this Saturdays race with the Boy Scouts;
4. arewaiting for Little League baseball to start in April - our first time!
5. cooked a roast/potatoes/carrots/corn and rolls for supper tonight- yum!
6. are enjoying Mike having a week break from seminary classes.
7. are eagerly awaiting Isaac getting his cast off his broken - now healed - right arm on Wednesday.
8. are attempting to memorize Romans chapter 8 - (grown-ups only)
9. are attempting to memorize Psalm 23 - (kids only)
10. are praying for God's direction for our home as we look toward following his commandments.
11. are reading my (Melisa's) first work of Christian fiction in a LONG time - Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers - awesome book exploring God's love for us!
12. are washing our hands alot - trying to ward off the flu!
13. are sanitizing the doorknobs and everything else - trying not to get the flu (yep-I'm a little obsessed with this!!)
14. are pleased the laundry is looking better and better - whew! - what a job!
15. are anticipating the start of Michael's Old Testament II class on Monday.
16. enjoyed a day home with hubby today - although we were obligated the whole day, it was nice to be together.
17. are trying not to at all rely on government to give us a hand-up or hand-out or bail-out, but relying on God to meet our needs and doing all we can in the meantime to be good stewards - keeping a budget, giving, sharing....
18. are looking forward to our 12th wedding anniversary and my birthday in April - as well as Isaac's Gotcha Day!
19. are counting our blessings and enjoying our days...wowee! The weather has been amazing so we've been playing outside alot!
20. are praying for our country - hmmm - better buckle down on this one people!
21. are preparing for Mike's mission trip to Haiti in May - prayer, preparation, planning;
22. are working toward balancing our time and priorities to the glory of God. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God!!"
Whew - that's a lot of stuff going on, huh? And, we love every minute of it. Who says the Christian life experience isn't exciting? Don't get me wrong now - there are lots of losses, hurts, and disappointments in this same experience as well - some of which I have experienced just recently. And, have you ever noticed that those of use in the body are worse at hurting each other than anybody - why is that? But, my relationship with Jesus Christ is well worth it all...and the blessings keep pouring in, overflowing, spilling over, flooding me...I am thankful for all He calls me to. I anticipate this life tomorrow if God sees fit to give it to me...I want to live it abundantly!
Trusting Him...Melisa

Friday, March 6, 2009

An epiphany moment

Being a growing family of 5, I realize (sometimes discouragingly so) that the laundry is ever-so out of control. There is never a day that I can call it done. I don't have 'hired-help.' It is my honor and privilige to do - actually - although that sounded really good, I loathe the task. I put it off, let it pile up, dread the folding, sorting, putting away. It is a major project and one that I don't ever look forward to. I would rather do a hundred-million-zillion other things than fold and put away laundry.

But, tonight, the whole top of the laundry basket was filled with socks...big ones, little ones, blue ones, purple ones, old ones, new ones, play ones, dress ones, frilly ones, not-so-frilly male-gender ones...and as I pulled them out, I truly thought...how beautiful!!
And, the scripture from Romans 10:14-15 came to my mind immediately:

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" [emphasis mine]

Somehow, tonight, the task of laundry doesn't seem as daunting to me. Yes, I am a Christian working mother. I juggle alot - but only just as much as any mother. Some homemaking tasks I find more pleasant than others...although they all must be done. But, tonight, the socks seem just a little more precious. As I sort them, fold them and place them in little drawers, I will be praying for my husband and children who will be wearing them...that they will be bold - bringing good news of Jesus Christ everywhere those socks take them!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Family celebrations and incentives...

We were so excited to be able to attend the annual Boy Scout Blue and Gold Banquet with the boys on Saturday evening. It was an opportunity to visit with other scouting families and celebrate the achievements of the scouts. Isaac and Jonah have worked very hard and have earned several beads, badges and belt loops. We couldn't be prouder of the young boys they are and are becoming. They give it their all and couldn't do it without their biggest fan - their awesome dad! Their pinewood derby cars are lookin' good and we are excited to see the end result in a couple of weeks. It was a great family night and Abby loved the fact that even SHE got to go to Boy Scouts this time! Fun stuff!

And, nothing gets my gizzard flappin' more than seeing my children reading! I am an avid reader and would love my children to 'catch the passion!' So, as part of the "Bell Family Big Book of Everything" I created a page entitled "Books I have read" - it is sort of a running counter of how many books each child reads with a goal they chose and an incentive they chose - with my help of course. The boys decided they would read 100 books this month (and homework or school books do not count.) Mommy has to approve the books and they have to write the title on their own personal tracking sheet. Every week, we will total up how they are doing in our 'Big Book.' We decided together that a a good reward for reading 100 age-appropriate books would be $15.00 - but I must admit, this was not without compromise because Jonah felt that $2,000.00 would be a fair prize, then they finally dropped it to $100.00 before finally settling on $15.00! And, they have been reading ALL evening! I LOVE IT! They have had so much fun and I have heard more giggling, laughing, reading to sister, sharing and fun than I have heard in a long time. Books are awesome!