Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday

All day today, I have been SO grateful. Since my feet hit the floor at 6 a.m. (actually when I was sleeping in the floor next to Abby at 4 a.m.), I have had an overwhelming since of gratitude invade my heart for the blessings that my heavenly Father lavishes on me! I am so glad that when I get too busy to be thankful that the Holy Spirit guides me right back to where I need to be. In the spirit of a thankful heart, I wanted to write - not necessarily for your benefit - but primariy for mine. I feel inclined to share some of the random things that I am so profoundly grateful for this day. Obviously, it is not all-inclusive, but if I may extend the offer - feel free to share with me as well what you are thankful for today.

Thanks be to God that I...
...have a messy house full of messy children;
...drove a car that got me to work and home today safely;
...had money to go to the grocery store; with a husband that loves the word of God;
...can say that everyone in my home is healthy today;
...had dreams develop in my heart today
...know He is not finished with me yet;
...can go camping with my family tomorrow;
...have never known what it truly is to be hungry or alone;
...can read;
...have a peaceful home;
...had a hot shower this morning;
...had comfy PJs to put on when I got home awhile ago;
...have all the appliances in my house working properly;
...had supper waiting on me when I got home today; forgiven in spite of myself.
...have children singing 80's tunes in their room right now from the Chicken Little movie - they actually think they are new songs!!!
...have the opportunity to attend the Beth Moore simulcast in August at my church;
...can sing as loud as I want to in my car and nobody minds;
...have children that love to pray and are not ashamed of Jesus;
Any random things that you are thankful for today?


Michelle said...

Melisa I must say that I am thankful that you are my friend and that God lead our paths to cross. Thankful for my grumpy husband sitting in the recliner across from me. Michelle

Rachel said...

I'm thankful that as I have been away from my family, missing them and longing to be home, I have a job that is will to pay close to a $1,000 to send me to this wonderful training...
I'm thankful for a husband that makes me a better mother and a better person all around...
I'm thankful for my parents who help us beyond words...
I'm thankful for a friend that knows my heart in the short time we have known one another (and in case you didn't know, that is you)...

...and I am grateful for this post.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I love you and your grumpy husband. Can't imagine my life without you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you shared with me. And, I am thankful for my friends, as well. Your family has brought a richness to us. We'll miss you while we are camping!

Angie said...

I sure enjoy reading your blog. I am thankful that the Lord changed me and my life with salvation. I'm super thankful that both of my children are saved and healthy. I'm also thankful that the LORD is helping me to be happy and confident with who He has made me to be.

Anonymous said...

We are thankful for wonderful Christian Sons, Christian Daughter-in-laws, and four wonderful grand-children who we love dearly!

Kathy said...

Melisa, I loved reading your page, you guys are such wonderful inspirations to me and to all those you come in contact with. I Thank God that you guys are my friends in so many ways and I know God will continue to BLESS your family for you are BLESSINGS to all of us. Thank you for being who you are. Kathy Williams
