Wednesday, August 13, 2008


In my Bible study time today, I was studying one of the verses that tend to be so familiar to us that we rarely take time to meditate on it - to determine its deeper relevance for our lives.

The verse says to
"Be still, and know that I am God."
I learned that in Latin, to be still means
"to vacate."

Now, does't it sound wonderful to vacate - to leave the premises, to stop, to declare a holiday? In this small portion of His word, God is commanding us to go on vacation - to take a break from playing God! He wants us to take a break from trying to control everything and acknowledge his power, his ability, his greatness, his strength. We must let God be God - take a vacation. We should climb down from our proverbial self-declared throne and give it to the one who rightfully deserves it - allow Him to do what only He can do in our lives. We don't have to travel far to take a vacation, guys! We only have to crawl down - humbly travel down the road to the place of complete surrender on our knees. There, we will receive our much needed vacation - rest only He can provide as we give Him all the circumstances, concerns and issues and admit His ability to work them for our good. So, if you come to my house tonight, don't be surprised to find a sign on the door..."Gone on vacation!" I'm tired and need a break from trying to control everything, don't you? I think it's time for me to be still. Do you want to go with me? Give it some thought...
"Be still!"
(Sounds like a command to me!)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You can't believe how badly I needed to read this words tonight. I will explain sometime. Thank you...
