Sunday, August 17, 2008

Waxing Poetic...

'Twas the night before school starts and all through the house,
all the 'creatures' were stirring, even little Abby-mouse.
The bookbags were laid by the front door with care,
In hopes that the school fairy soon would be there.

The children FINALLY nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of school supplies danced in their heads.

And mamma in her pajamas and and I in my shorts,
had just settled down for a late snack of sorts.

When all of a sudden, there arouse a big clatter,
and we sprang from the table to see what was the matter.

When what to our weary eyes should appear,
but 20 small toes standing in the hallway with fear.

Away to the hallway we flew like a flash,
hugged each child with care and reassured them in a dash.

The moon shown bright on the window to their room,
It gave a great lustre to their beds - but soon....

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a tiny little girl - such a sweetheart, a dear!

"I want to sleep on the couch, mom" she said.
And, off to the living room we did head.

More rapid than eagles we flew - it was great...
And she whistled, and shouted, "Go to bed boys... it's late!

Now, Isaac! Now, Jonah! Now, go to sleep quick.
Now boys - go to sleep and I'll show you a trick.

To the top of the closet, to the top of the wall,
I dashed away to get school clothes set out for the fall.

With everything laid out for the first day with care...
I hoped they would sleep so that tomorrow they would fare.

Now, sleep away, sleep away, sleep away all!
In the morning, the alarm clock will quickly call.

We prayed for our children - that they would be a light...
Happy First Day to all and to all a good Night.


Anonymous said...

We loved your poem, you did a good job. We can not wait to hear how their first day of school went! We love you and we will be praying for you.

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

Too cute! Have a wonderful first day back to school kids!
