Saturday, October 11, 2008

A great day for a parade...

Today was a beautiful day for a hometown parade. We had such a good family day today. The boys were excited, but Abby was even more excited to see her boys in the parade. She kept asking mommy, "Are they comin' mommy?"
We were so proud of Isaac and Jonah. We are so pleased that of all the activities that children can choose to be involved in, so far, they have alot of interest in wholesome activities. They followed their den leader's instructions and marched with pride.
Afterwards, they were exhausted...Daddy had bought two big cups of ice and they stayed good and hydrated the whole distance. But, the mile trek was a long-haul for these short, little legs! Boy, were they tired!
They looked so handsome in the Boy Scout uniforms. They were very proud to be in the parade...
I wish they could stay this way just a little longer...


Anonymous said...

I know where has my little girl Sarah gone??? I lone reading your Blog? Your and Angie are such an inspiration to me!
I like the new couch!!!!
Love ya,
Conni A.

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

