Thursday, October 9, 2008

Headache - Be Gone!

Well, I am happy to say that after 2 nights and 3 days, I am finally in the recovery phase of a migraine headache. I have been very fortunate the last few months to have evaded them completely, however this one has truly knocked me off my feet for a few days. I have had moments that I thought the pain was improving and then it would slam me again. I actually stayed home from work today to give in and sleep - which I have done all day! My head now feels very tired - I sort of have a weird feeling - what the doctor calls an 'aura' that will hopefully leave in a few hours. If you have never suffered from migraine headaches, let me assure you that they stop life right in it's tracks for me. This, you can imagine, is very difficulty for a working wife and mother of three children. I am so very grateful that my family is so supportive - right down to the children whispering when they come in the door and Mike anticipating what I need before I am even able to think enough to ask for it. He serves me with such tenderness and truly understands the grip it has on me until it passes.
I remember the first migraine I had was with my first pregnancy 9 years ago. I was at my in-laws home and it was unbelievable. Mike called my mom and she came quickly - I was lying in the floor and she rubbed my head for hours. Ever since, I have several a year. I realize that there are migraine sufferers out there who have several a week - this is not my case at all. But, even as infrequent as they are, all of life stops whether I want it to or not.
I say all this to say that it is a grand reminder that I can plan all I want - cram as much into a day as I desire - but when it is time to stop - stop I must! It is a frustrating prospect for me in that I have a lot of 'irons in the fire' at any given time. Today's 'irons' were no less than any other day. So, now I feel like I am several days behind at work, behind at home, tired, guilty for not being able to do better, tired, guilty for missing so much at home the last few days, and - did I mention - tired?
So, here it is 3:40 p.m. Mike is on his way home with my precious cargo. He has a church meeting, so the kids and I will be home together this evening. We will do homework, I will wash the dishes from yesterday and throw in a load of laundry or two, count my blessings, give everyone a bath and try to keep it all calm - for the head's sake. Tomorrow, I am praying for a special measure of grace - to accomplish all that is in my heart for the glory of God! And, I decided that I will work a few hours on Saturday morning as well - maybe this will help get rid of some of the guilt for not working today??

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