Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I just love these kids!

What a fine looking bunch, huh?
We love these kids!
Abby and I are home by ourselves tonight while Mike and the boys are gone to Boy Scouts. Yes, we are now a full-fledged Boy Scouting family. My boys just love it. Actually, I have to start sewing their patches on their uniforms tonight because they are going to be in their first local hometown parade on Saturday with their scout troop - and are they ever excited!
I just told Abby that while the boys were gone, she needed to take a bath. Her spontaneous comment to me in response was, "No, mom...I not a stinky baby!" Where do they learn these manipulative tactics, anyway? I absolutely adore having in-depth conversations with her these days - just so innocent and thought provoking from a toddler's point of view. Last night, I was laying with her in her "big girl bed" trying to help her go to sleep. In her usual fashion, she wanted to converse. She sat straight up and said, "Mommy, you 'fraid?" I said, "No, Abby, I'm not afraid because Jesus is with us." She said, "Yep. He's in my heart. I not 'fraid too, mommy. He's at my chuch [church]... in da cross... on my bible. He lubs me mommy in my hot [heart]. I goin' a pray, ok, mommy?"
She then proceeded to clasp her hands, close her eyes and say,
"Heabenly Fader, Heabenly Fader, Heabenly Fader, mommy not 'fraid. Amen."
I just love these kids...

Update: After bathtime, Abby yelled repetitively "I want a snack, mommy." I told her, "Abby, you have to wait. You have to have patience!" Her reply was, "But mommy, I don't want a patience right now. I want a snack right now!"

I truly do love them so much!

1 comment:

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

Abby's comments are just way too cute!
