Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat night - '08

Tonight, we once again experienced one of the highlights of our year - Trick or Treat night. We always look forward to getting together with MANY families from our home church and letting our children visit, play and trick-or-treat together. We saw so many creative costumes and our children truly had a blast! Mommy and Daddy also enjoyed our time with friends - old and new! One particular family in our church who took us in just like members of their own family years ago continue to have us over for Trick or Treat each year - this made the 10th year. We all gather at 5 p.m. for supper - homemade potato soup/chili/chicken salad sandwiches/homemade goodies/drinks. Then, after we all trick-or-treat in the neighborhood, we go back for homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows. It is our time to wind down and enjoy each other while our children play.
(I apologize now for the poor picture quality - not sure what went wrong!)

Trick or Treating with our friends...
Jonah as a "Man-Eating Shark." He actually told mommy several weeks ago that he wanted to be a "shark that eats people" - a classic Jonah concept. And, Marvel Mommy to the rescue - we found it online...what did we do without the internet when I was growing up?
Isaac as a "cookie and pizza baker". He had a great time showing everyone his "pizza" he had baked up!
Abigail was the prettiest brunette Cinderella that you ever did see. She absolutely loved her crown and wanted everyone to see it. She got a little tired while trick-or-treating and finally gave in and rode in her stroller the rest of the way.
Our annual by-the-mailbox picture - my how they've grown!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Sweet, Sweet, Sweet! They look so cute! Hope you guys stayed warmer than we did. The kids were in the bathtub (per their request for "warmth water" haha) by 7:30.

We were going to head that way but my mom wanted to get out of the house so we thought we would stick around and visit with them.

Glad you guys had a good night.
