Sunday, October 12, 2008

On this Sunday, I am thankful for...

...a Godly husband who listens, puts my needs before his own and truly lives out the role of leader of our home. Tonight, I was sharing some concerns with Michael concerning our future, our family, our plans...I had no doubt that he heard every word I said - he even repeated most of it back to me to make sure I knew he heard me. Then, after church, he reminded me that he hadn't forgotten my concerns and was thinking about them. It is so nice to be heard by the one that I want to hear me the most! Bible. I am so thankful that I have access to the most important book in the world, God's Word. I have had this particular Bible since I was a senior in college. I happened to attend a MissionFest event in 1995 and bought this Disciples Study Bible, NIV, at the conference and it has gone to almost every church event since with me. I am a Bible notetaker - in other words - I mark it up. I benefit so much from reading old sermon/study notes from years past that are marked in smudged ink in the margins. I encourage every Christian to always have a pen on hand and write down particular things that God speaks to you. Typically, I have so much to gain from the messages at church that I just can't take it all in during one service. I must write things down and meditate on them, study them further and let them become part of who I am in Christ.

...the old Andy Griffith Show episodes. Yes...we are Andy and Barney nuts! I guess this is more than you wanted to know about us, and maybe it makes us kind of boring. But, we have several CDs with multiple episodes. Since we made a decision as a family a year and a half ago that we needed to discontinue receiving television service in our home (a story for another time/another place), we love to sit down and watch these old black and white stories. It doesn't get any better than this...we actually know the episodes so well that we start quoting them and seeing who can guess the next line first.


PandaMom said...

HI! Just came over via my Married to the Ministry Blogroll. My hubby is a Children's Minister and we, too have built our family through international adoption. Our daughter is from China and we in the process of waiting on our son from Haiti. Would love to chat with you more! ; )

Your children are just beautiful!!!

Rachel said...

You are so very blessed with such a remarkable, christian husband...and might I add, quick on his ability to segway into the offering this morning =)

We love you guys like crazy and can't wait for our getaway later this month!!!

Prayer Pals 4 Orphans said...

You truly are very blessed! And guess what...We are blessed to know you!

We love you guys and miss you!
